Post-covid-19: what to include in cosmology and ethics (III)

Post-covid-19: what to include in cosmology and ethics (III) via @LeonardoBoff

Leonardo Boff

Let’s complete the thought provoking commentary of the text of the Earthcharter affirming that we must seek a new start in order to forge a sustainable mode of living on planet Earth.
To that end, “a new sense of global interdependence is required.” The relationship of everything with everything, and consequently, global interdependence, represents a cosmological constant.  Everything in the universe is relationship. It is also a quantum physics axiom, according to which all beings are inter-retro-related. We ourselves, human beings, are a rhizome (bulb of roots) of relationships that extend in every direction. This implies understanding that all problems:  ecological, economic, political and spiritual, are interrelated. We will only save life if we align ourselves with this universal logic  the logic of the universe and nature.
The Earthcharter continues: “universal responsibility is required.” Responsibility means being aware of the consequences of our actions, whether they are beneficial or hurtful to other beings. Hans…

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